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28Feb, 2023

Update: Seasonals, Venues and Entry Fees

Tuesday 28 February 2023|

Upcoming Key Dates
TIC Confirmation Form
A friendly reminder that our TIC Confirmation Form is due on Thursday 2 March and only takes a few minutes to fill in. Filling this in ensures we have a key contact for ASD entries in 2023.
Due to a lack of venue, we will be hosting Seasonals via Zoom. As per past years, students in teams can debate together (whether that be at school, a student’s home or another location) or they can debate separately from home and do preparation online.
Please make sure to register your teams by Monday 6 March using the following registration link.
Auckland Regionals on Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April will be in-person at Auckland Grammar School.
We have now confirmed venues for most of our grades.
  • Junior Open: Rangitoto College (North), Epsom Girls Grammar School (Central), Lynfield College (West), Howick College (East), Tangaroa College (South)
  • Senior Open: Westlake Boys High School (North), ACG Parnell (Central), Sacred Heart College (East), De La Salle College (South), TBC (West)
  • Advanced Open: St Cuthbert’s College, Carmel College
  • Premier Junior: Diocesan School for Girls
  • Premier Advanced: Auckland Grammar School
We currently have tentative venues for our Senior Open Central/West zones and will announce these once they are confirmed.
Entry Fees
We have now confirmed our entry fees for 2023, and you can find our updated fees on our registration page.
Due to increased pressure regarding the sustainability of our ability to continue operating ASD in its current form, we have been required to make increases to our fees for 2023. While entry fees for all grades have increased, the most significant increase in fees has been for Premier Junior and Premier Advanced. These increases reflect the much higher cost to ASD of operating Premier Junior and Premier Advanced relative to our other grades.
As part of our efforts to ensure the future sustainability of ASD, we are working to improve how we operate and administer the competition. Our goal is to ensure that teams receive draws in a timely fashion and that we are able to promptly reply to emails and queries. As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools that need it. Schools can indicate their fee subsidy requests within their ASD registration forms.
19Feb, 2023

Welcome to ASD for 2023

Sunday 19 February 2023|

Welcome to Auckland Schools Debating for 2023.

Important Links

Registration Deadlines

Tournament Dates

  • Seasonals – Saturday 11 March
  • Counties Manukau Regionals – Saturday 25 March
  • Auckland Regionals – Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April

Changes in 2023

Debating In-Person

We are expecting to return to in-person deabting in 2023, dependent on the willingness of our host schools to host ASD in-person this year.

Coaching and Adjudication Seminars via Zoom

In order to make our coaching and adjudication seminars more accessible we will continue running these via Zoom as we did in 2022. You can see dates for these on our website:

Entry Fees

We are currently reviewing our entry fees for 2023.

As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools who need it. We will be reaching out to schools which qualify for these fee subsidies individually. If you believe you will have issues paying but have not been contacted, please get in touch with the committee via email.

Seasonal Championships

The Seasonal Championships (Seasonals) is a one day tournament that gives students the opportunity to debate multiple times early in the year, and immediately implement feedback offered by experienced adjudicators.

We are still working to confirm a venue for Seasonals for 2023. If your school would be interested in hosting, please reach out to at info@asd.org.nz.

When: Saturday 11 March 2023
Where: TBC
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 10-13 students.  We recommend entering your most senior speakers as a first priority.  The tournament will be particularly valuable to those who intend to compete in the Auckland Regional Championships.
Team Cap:  Schools are guaranteed entry to four teams. (Schools may also enter a mix of teams, i.e. 2 in the championship division and 2 in the novice division).
Cost: TBC (fee subsidies are available for low decile schools)
Timetable: Four round robin debates from 8.30am – 6.30pm.
How to enter: Complete the entry form on our website linked here
Deadline for entries: 5pm, Monday 6 March

12Feb, 2023

ASD Calendar for 2023

Sunday 12 February 2023|

We hope everyone is staying safe during these unprecedented weather events. We are currently in the process of updating our website with information on the ASD competition for 2023.

In the interim, we have updated our website with our 2023 calendar linked here.

Key dates for you to be aware of are below:

Registration Deadlines

  • Teacher in Charge Confirmation Form – Thursday 2 March
  • Seasonals Championship Registration Form – Monday 6 March at 5pm
  • Premier Grade Registration Form – Tuesday 7 March
  • Open Grade Registration Form – Thursday 16 March

Tournament Dates

  • Seasonals – Saturday 11 March
  • Counties Manukau Regionals – Saturday 25 March
  • Auckland Regionals – Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April

Resumption of In-Person Debating

With the end of Covid restrictions, we are hopeful that we will be able to resume in-person debating in 2023. This will be dependent on the willingness of our host schools to host ASD in-person this year. If you think your school may be interested in hosting ASD, please let us know at info@asd.org.nz.

7Jul, 2022

ASD 2022 Break Announcement

Thursday 7 July 2022|

We have now reached the end of the preliminary rounds for 2022. We know this has been a challenging year with the prevalence of Covid and other illnesses in our community that made it difficult to organize teams. Despite this, we hope that you have had an enjoyable season and that your students have been able to develop their logical thinking and public speaking skills.

A massive thank you to all of the teachers, coaches, adjudicators, and host school coordinators who make Auckland Schools Debating possible. Without your voluntary time and effort, this competition would not be possible.

Breaking Teams

This year ASD had 300 teams from 60 schools participate in our competitions and we offer our congratulations to all breaking teams on their exceptional achievements.

The break for each division can be found linked below:

Information on how the break is calculated can be found on our website linked here: http://aucklandschoolsdebating.org.nz/index.php/home/competitions/policies/break-determination/

Grade convenors will be in touch with breaking teams with details on their Octo-Final/Quarter Finals. Subject to the willingness of schools to host, we expect that the first in-person round of the break rounds will be the Semi-Finals.

Upcoming Dates

We would encourage your schools to enter the following upcoming ASD competitions:

We would also love to see you at the ASD Prizegiving and Premier Advanced final on Wednesday 14 September.

16Mar, 2022

Grade Coaching Sessions and Adjudication Seminars

Wednesday 16 March 2022|

ASD’s Grade Coaching Sessions and Adjudication Seminars are starting this week.

Grade Coaching Sessions

Grade Coaching Sessions are a chance for students to access free interactive coaching sessions run by ASD adjudicators. These sessions will cover key debating skills that are relevant to the grade that the students are interested in. For most grades, we will have two levels of coaching available, one for students who are new to debating and one for students who have some experience.

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96286050759?pwd=VjJiQkQ1Y3RQWEdxYTFWa2FLSFZiUT09

Meeting ID: 999 5705 7429
Passcode: 422871

Upcoming Sessions:

  • Wednesday 16 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – PJ Coaching Session via Zoom
  • Tuesday 22 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – AO Coaching Session via Zoom
  • Monday 28 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – JO Coaching Session via Zoom
  • Tuesday 29 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – SO Coaching Sessions via Zoom

Adjudication Seminars

Adjudication Seminars for Junior Open and Senior Open will be run online via Zoom in 2022. These sessions are compulsory in order to be an approved adjudicator if you did not attend a session in 2021.

Zoom link for all sessions: https://zoom.us/j/93608965819?pwd=SFNMWWs1cGRpN0tWQmQwTm5hWjlhdz09

Meeting ID: 936 0896 5819
Passcode: 537863

  • Monday 21 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – Zoom
  • Tuesday 22 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – Zoom
  • Monday 28 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Monday 29 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Wednesday 6 April (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
28Feb, 2022

Welcome to ASD for 2022

Monday 28 February 2022|

Dear ASD Community,

Welcome to Auckland Schools Debating for 2022. This post contains information on the entry process for 2022 as well as other crucial information for the year ahead.

Important Links

Registration Deadlines

Tournament Dates

  • Seasonals – Saturday 12 March
  • Counties Manukau Regionals – Saturday 19 March
  • Auckland Regionals – Saturday 2 April and Sunday 3 April

Changes in 2022

Debating via Zoom

Due to the ongoing presence of Covid in the community and the Red light settings under the Covid Protection Framework ASD will be operating online via Zoom for at least Term 1 of 2022.

We will seek to re-evaluate this policy at the end of term 1 and will run a consultation to decide on whether debating will be in-person or online for term 2. During this consultation, schools will likely be given the opportunity to opt in to online debating.

To read more about how debating via Zoom will work, please refer to our online debating guide linked here.

Coaching and Adjudication Seminars via Zoom

In line with debating taking place over Zoom, ASD will be conducting its normal Grade Coaching Sessions and Adjudication Seminars via Zoom.

Entry Fees

In 2022 there has been an increase in fees. This decision is not taken lightly but it has been made to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the competition.

As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools who need it. We will be reaching out to schools which qualify for these fee subsidies individually. If you believe you will have issues paying but have not been contacted, please get in touch with the committee via email.

28Feb, 2022

Online Debating for Term 1

Monday 28 February 2022|

Unfortunately due to the ongoing presence of Covid in the community and the Red light settings under the Covid Protection Framework ASD will be operating online via Zoom for at least Term 1 of 2022

This decision has been made for the following reasons:

  • Debating is subject to the 100 person gathering limit under the Red light setting. Many of our grades see more than 100 people attending on any given night
  • The likelihood of a close-contact event disrupting our ability to meet in-person
  • To provide certainty to schools for planning purposes
  • In some cases, some of our normal host schools are unable to host gatherings on Campus due to school policy

We will seek to re-evaluate this policy at the end of term 1 and will run a consultation to decide on whether debating will be in-person or online for term 2. During this consultation, schools will likely be given the opportunity to opt in to online debating.

To read more about how debating via Zoom will work, please refer to our online debating guide linked here.

27Sep, 2021

ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand FInal

Monday 27 September 2021|

We have now reached the end of the ASD Season for 2021.  A massive thank you again to all of the teachers, coaches, adjudicators, and host school coordinators who make Auckland Schools Debating possible. Without your voluntary time and effort, this competition simply would not be possible.
ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand Final
This year Auckland Schools’ Debating is hosting its Annual Prizegiving on Wednesday 29 September via a Facebook live stream. At the prizegiving, we will acknowledge the winning teams of each grade as well as the top 10 speakers in each grade.
Date: Wednesday 29 September
Time: 7:00pm – 8:45pm
This will be preceded by the Premier Advanced Grand Final debate between Auckland Grammar School and Macleans College which features some of the best high school debaters in Auckland.
We encourage all students, family, friends, and teachers who would like to watch the prizegiving. The following link can be shared with those interested and it links directly to the Facebook event where the live stream will take place: https://fb.me/e/RRezV4MQ
Impromptu Cup
Unfortunately due to Auckland being at Covid Alert Level 3, we are unable to run Impromptu Cup this year and we look forward to running it in 2022. We wish all students the best of luck in their upcoming examinations.
Thank you again for your participation in the ASD Season for 2021. We look forward to seeing you at Prizegiving and again in 2022.
18Mar, 2021

Calendar for 2021

Thursday 18 March 2021|

Our 2021 Calendar can be found on our website here!

Entry Deadlines:


  • Saturday 27 March/Sunday 28 March – Auckland Regionals
  • Saturday 31 July/Sunday 1 August – Junior Championships
  • Saturday 21 August/Sunday 22 August – Impromptu Cup

Coaching Sessions:

Note: For 2021, we will also run some sessions over Zoom to increase the accessibility of the sessions (these may be less interactive than our in-person sessions).

Zoom link for all sessions (please feel free to share directly with your adjudicators): https://zoom.us/j/91371949546?pwd=ZHdNS1B3RUZ4S3IvcnZQUUJpYUswZz09

  • Wednesday 17 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – PJ Coaching Session at Diocesan School for Girls
  • Tuesday 23 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – AO Coaching Session at St Cuthbert’s College and Zoom
  • Monday 29 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – JO Coaching Sessions at Rangitoto College, Epsom Girls Grammar School, Lynfield College, Howick College, Tangaroa College and Zoom
  • Tuesday 30 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – SO Coaching Sessions at Westlake Boys High School, Mt Roskill Grammar School, Sacred Heart College, De La Salle College, Avondale College and Zoom

Adjudication Seminars:

Adjudication Seminars for Junior Open and Senior Open will be run online via Zoom in 2021. This will make it easier for us to provide high quality seminars to all teachers in Auckland. These sessions are compulsory in order to be an approved adjudicator (even if you have previous adjudication experience). These sessions should also be attended by those intending to be student adjudicators.

Zoom link for all sessions (please feel free to share directly with your adjudicators): https://zoom.us/j/93210987620?pwd=L2pWTGV5YnM0MGtSdUxUZWdyMVpHZz09

  • Monday 22 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Tuesday 23 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Wednesday 31 March (5:30pm-7:00pm) – Zoom
  • Thursday 1 April (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – Zoom
20May, 2020

Resumption of the ASD Season

Wednesday 20 May 2020|

ASD is pleased to announce based on the positive feedback we received from schools that the ASD season will be resuming from 2 June with all preliminary rounds taking place online.

Season Dates
The following are the resumption dates for each grade:
  • Advanced Open (Round 1) – Tuesday 2 June – 5:30pm/7:00pm
  • Premier Advanced (Round 2) – Wednesday 3 June – 5:30pm/7:00pm
  • Junior Open (Round 1) – Monday 8 June – 4:30pm
    • Prepared Motion: This house would require all school students to play a team sport.
  • Senior Open (Round 1) – Tuesday 9 June – 4:30pm 
    • Prepared Motion: This house would ban unpaid internships.
  • Premier Junior (Round 2) – Wednesday 10 June – 5:30pm/7:00pm
All JO and SO debates will take place at 4:30pm, while AO, PJ and PA debates will take place at 5:30pm and 7:00pm. 
The tentative date for an in-person Auckland Regionals is currently the weekend of 5/6 September.
Online Debating
Based on feedback from teachers and host schools, all preliminary rounds of ASD will be taking place online. We intend to use the online debating platform Yaatly, an easy to use platform designed specifically for online debating. Students will be able to prepare and debate from their own home or they can debate from one location (e.g. at school or at someone’s house).
Further technical information will be released on this in the coming days. 
A decision on break rounds will be made closer to the start of those rounds.
Registration Changes
We understand that schools may have changes in student interest levels because of COVID and changes to the season structure. 
All schools will need to reconfirm their team numbers using the following form: https://forms.gle/7G7sQTXABub23LJH9
Please complete this form by the following dates to allow us to organise the draw for each round:
  • Thursday 28 May (9:00am) for AO/PA
  • Saturday 30 May (9:00am) for JO/SO/PJ
We will be sending TICs a copy of their existing registrations to check later this week. If schools would no longer like to participate please let us know by email.
Due to costs incurred with our chosen online debating platform, fees will remain the same for 2020 as initially communicated to schools. 
If your school has any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing info@asd.org.nz
ASD Registrations 2025