Junior Championships

///Junior Championships
Junior Championships 2024-07-01T07:27:15+00:00

Auckland Schools’ Debating Junior Championships is a tournament that allows year 9 and 10 students to become more confident in their debating skills, and to improve their ability to develop detailed arguments in a short space of time. All debates are limited preparation and will be adjudicated by ASD adjudicators, allowing students to experience high quality feedback and adjudication.

This is an excellent tournament for any teams competing in Junior Open, Premier Junior or speakers who are brand new to debating.

Link to Junior Championships Registration Form

Key Details

When: Saturday 3 August 2024 and Sunday 4 August 2024 (Term 3, Week 2)
Where: Mt Roskill Grammar (3rd) and University of Auckland (4th)
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 9 and 10 students.
Team Cap: Schools have guaranteed entry for 3 teams each (an additional 2 teams will be waitlisted and admitted dependent on tournament capacity).
Cost: $100 per team – this covers entry and lunch on Saturday. If the entry cost is a barrier to your school entering teams please let us know on the entry form.
Format: Three preliminary debates on Saturday, breaking to quarter finals on the Sunday.
Entry Deadline: Wednesday 31 July at 5pm

Debate Rules

Format: Limited preparation
Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Speech Length: 5 minutes, leader’s replies 2.5 minutes
Points of Information: Not permitted


Saturday: Mt Roskill Grammar

Time Activity
8:40am Teams Arrive
9:00am Tournament Briefing
9:10am How to Debate Workshop
9:30am Round 1 – Preparation
10:30am Round 1 – Debates
11:45am Lunch (Pizza lunch provided)
12:25pm Round 2 – Preparation
1:25pm Round 2 – Debates
2:50pm Round 3 – Preparation
3:50pm Round 3 – Debates
5:15pm Break Announcement
5:30pm Day Concludes

Sunday: University of Auckland

Time Activity
9:15am Teams Arrive
9:30am Quarter Finals – Preparation
10:30am Quarter Finals – Debates
11:45am Lunch
12:30pm Semi Finals – Preparation
1:30pm Semi Finals – Debates
2:45pm Grand Final – Preparation
3:45pm Grand Final – Debates
5:00pm Prizegiving
5:15pm Day Concludes

Frequently Asked Questions

How many members can I have in a team?

As per ASD’s open grade rules, between 3 and 5 members from each team can be in the preparation room however only 3 speakers can debate. Teams can rotate who speaks during the day. Teams will not necessarily be at a disadvantage if they only have 3 speakers in the preparation room.

What materials can students access while preparing?

The 3 students in the preparation room can not communicate with anyone during preparation time, including communicating with teachers, parents or other team mates. Teams may not use electronic devices during preparation, including mobile phones and laptops. Teams may bring in written preparation materials with them.

Does my team need to attend on Sunday?

Only the 8 breaking teams advancing to the quarter finals will need to attend on Sunday. If one of your teams can not make the Sunday please let us know in advance so we can exclude them from the break. All break rounds are open to the public so teams are welcome to attend to watch some high quality debates.

What ability level do my students need to be in to compete in the Junior Championships?

All year 9 and 10 students of any ability level can compete in the Junior Championships. At the start of the day we will be providing a how to debate presentation that we hope students will find useful. This tournament is entered by both year 9 and 10 students who participate in both Junior Open and Premier Junior. Top teams have come from both grades and year levels. The tournament is also excellent preparation for any team making it through to the break rounds.