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31Mar, 2020

Aotearoa Online Schools’ Debating

Tuesday 31 March 2020|

In response to the postponement of all high school debating in Aotearoa due to COVID-19, debating organisations around the country have collaborated to organise Aotearoa Online Schools’ Debating (AOSD). AOSD is the umbrella term for four free-to-enter nationwide debating leagues that will be run in a video-conferencing format during the ongoing nationwide shutdown. Our hope is that AOSD will allow students around the country to find some normalcy, have some fun, and collaborate socially through debating, at a time when almost all extracurriculars have been postponed.
AOSD will not require teacher or school participation in the organisation or administration of teams. Instead, our hope is that you would be kind enough to please forward this email to students from your school who you think might be interested in this opportunity. There is a relatively tight turnaround on registration for this competition, so we really need your help to make sure that as many students as possible get the chance to be involved. There are leagues available for both senior and junior students across a wide range of skill and experience levels. 
Further information and how to register can be found on the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Council website (http://www.debating.org.nz/aotearoa-online-schools-debating/).
20Mar, 2020


Friday 20 March 2020|

Dear Students, Teachers, Parents and the Wider Debating Community,

ASD has been continually reviewing advice and recent developments related to the outbreak of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

We know that the health and wellbeing of our community are of the utmost priority for everyone. As such ASD will be putting the debating season on hold for the remainder of Term 1. This means that all rounds, adjudication seminars and in-school coaching will no longer be taking place this term.

In the coming weeks, ASD will review the potential resumption of debating at the start of Term 2. If the season resumes, we will release an updated calendar and allow schools to make adjustments to their registrations. In the interim, we will still take Open grade registrations from any schools which missed this Wednesday’s deadline.

ASD is also investigating ways in which we can still provide the experience of debating to students and we will be looking to develop our library of online debating resources to support students. We are also exploring a potential online debating league which would allow students to debate from home.

ASD has had a record 360 teams register this year and we thank our community for your continued support of debating in Auckland. We hope you stay safe in these difficult times.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@asd.org.nz.

Kind regards,
Zac, Lucy, Chenchen, Liam, Karan, Ben, Harry, Umbar, Celine, Izzy, Grace, Ano, Vino, Libby and Ian

19Mar, 2020


Thursday 19 March 2020|

NZSDC has been reviewing advice and recent developments related to the outbreak of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Auckland Regionals is a large gathering of students from schools across Auckland. As such NZSDC has decided to postpone this weekend’s Auckland Regionals in order to minimise the health risk to students, schools and the wider debating community. We hope to be able to run Auckland Regionals later in 2020.

In order to select the Auckland Regional teams, NZSDC will be running a selection weekend in place of Auckland Regionals. Speakers have been selected for this weekend based on performances at Premier Advanced Round 1 and Seasonal Championships as well as during Auckland Development Squad and New Zealand Team Development programme sessions. We will be in touch with any selected speakers with further details about this weekend and to confirm their attendance.

ASD will be reviewing the status of upcoming ASD grades and events in the coming days and will update the community as soon as a decision is taken.

If you have any questions about this statement please contact auckland@debating.org.nz or council@debating.org.nz.

4Feb, 2020

Calendar for 2020

Tuesday 4 February 2020|

Our 2020 Calendar has been released on our website here!

Entry Deadlines:

  • Monday 2 March – Entry Deadline (Premier Grades)
  • Wednesday 18 March – Entry Deadline (Open Grades)


  • Sunday 8 March – Seasonal Championships
  • Saturday 21 March/Sunday 22 March – Auckland Regionals
  • Saturday 25 July/Sunday 26 July – Junior Championships
  • Saturday 8 August/Sunday 9 August – Impromptu Cup
  • Saturday 26 September/Sunday 27 September – NZ Schools British Parliamentary

Coaching Sessions/Adjudication Seminars:

  • Wednesday 4 March: 5:30pm – 7:00pm – PJ Coaching Session (Diocesan School for Girls)
  • Tuesday 10 March: 5:30pm – 7:00pm – AO Coaching Session (St Cuthbert’s College)
  • Monday 16 March: 4:30pm – 6:00pm – JO Coaching Session/Adjudication Seminar (Rangitoto College, Epsom Girls Grammar School, Lynfield College, Howick College, Tangaroa College)
  • Tuesday 17 March – SO Coaching Session/Adjudication Seminar (Westlake Boys High School, Mt Roskill Grammar School, Avondale College, Sacred Heart College, De La Salle College)
  • Wednesday 25 March: 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Adjudication Seminar (Auckland Grammar School)
  • Tuesday 31 March: 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Adjudication Seminar (St Cuthbert’s College)

First Round:

  • Wednesday 11 March – PA Round 1
  • Wednesday 18 March – PJ Round 1
  • Tuesday 31 March – AO Round 1
  • Monday 6 April – JO Round 1
  • Tuesday 7 April – SO Round 1
4Sep, 2019

ASD Grand Finals and Prizegiving

Wednesday 4 September 2019|

PA Grand Final and Prizegiving

We would like to invite all students, teachers and coaches who participated in Auckland Schools’ Debating this year to attend the ASD Premier Advanced Grand Final and Prizegiving. Those attending will be treated to a Grand Final debate (Auckland Grammar School vs St Kentigern College) with some of the best speakers in Auckland which will be followed by a recognition of the top 10 students in each grade.

Date: Wednesday 11 September
Location: Auckland Grammar School – Centennial Theatre (enter through Gate 1)
Time: Doors open at 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start. The prizegiving will occur after the Premier Advanced Grand Final and will conclude by 8:45pm.
Food and Drink: Light drinks and snacks will be served after the event
Parking: Parking is available on Mountain Road and surrounding streets
School MapLink to map

Grand Finals

We would also like to invite you to attend the Grand Final of your respective grades. We have no doubt that these will be extremely high quality debates.

Grade: Senior Open (Ormiston Senior College vs St Mary’s College)
Date and Time: Tuesday 3 September at 6:30pm
Location: Ormiston Senior College

Grade: Premier Junior (Westlake Girls High School vs Diocesan School for Girls)
Date and Time: Wednesday 4 September at 6:30pm
Location: Westlake Girls High School
Directions: Meeting room H8 (Parking is available at the lower carpark, entry off Wairau Road opposite Atlas Concrete)

Grade: Junior Open (Kristin School vs Westlake Girls High School)
Date and Time: Monday 9 September
Location: Kristin School

Grade: Advanced Open (Lynfield College vs St Dominic’s College)
Date and Time: Tuesday 10 September
Location: Lynfield College

2Jul, 2019

Break Information 2019

Tuesday 2 July 2019|

Thanks to those of you who tuned in live! Apologies once again for the delay caused by technical difficulties. The break is available to view here if you missed it.

Below you can find a link to the relevant pages for your grade below.

Link to Break Information

You can read our policy on how the break is determined on our website.

Break Round Information

The first break rounds will be starting early next term. Teachers with breaking teams will be emailed separately to confirm their attendance at the Break and with further information. The dates for the break are below.

  • Junior Open: Monday 5 August at Epsom Girls Grammar
  • Senior Open: Tuesday 30 July at St Cuthbert’s College
  • Advanced Open: Tuesday 30 July at St Cuthbert’s College
  • Premier Junior: Wednesday 31 July at Auckland Grammar School
  • Premier Advanced: Wednesday 7 August at Diocesan School for Girls


Finally, we owe a massive thank you to all the teachers who have coached and supported teams this year. Without the time and effort you put into organising debating, coaching teams, and transporting students debating would not be possible.

Congratulations again to all the teams that have broken, and commiserations to those who didn’t. We hope to see many teams at Junior Championships or Impromptu Cup early next term.

2Jul, 2019

Break Announcement 2019

Tuesday 2 July 2019|

Thanks to everyone who tuned in live! Apologies once again for the delay. The break results will be published on the ASD Website by 7pm tonight, in the meantime please watch the video to find out the results.

24Jun, 2019

Break Announcement 2019 – Tuesday 2 July

Monday 24 June 2019|


This year, ASD is excited to announce that we’re shaking up how the breaks are announced for each grade! The breaks will be announced through a video live stream at 1pm on Tuesday 2 July that you can tune into on Facebook and YouTube! You’ll be able to tune in to watch the convenors of each grade announce which teams have progressed through to the break rounds and gather as a team to watch the announcements at lunch time.

If your school throws a viewing party and you send a photo to the ASD committee via Facebook or Instagram, you’ll also go in the draw to win your school garlic bread at impromptu cup! Best of luck for the break!

Further information about the break will be sent out by email and available on our website at 8pm on Tuesday 2 July.

You can view the dates for the break rounds on the calendar on our website.

18Jun, 2019

Northern North Island Impromptu Cup 2019 – Entries Now Open!

Tuesday 18 June 2019|

Auckland Schools’ Debating is excited to host in 2019 the first ever Northern North Island Impromptu Cup. We are inviting teams from Northland, Auckland, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty, to compete in the exciting impromptu debating style. The format is open to all debaters from years 10 to 13.

Students compete in teams of two and are given five minute preparation time for their debate. Speeches are also five minutes long, with no points of information. Although the format sounds challenging, it is also a lot of fun. There will be a detailed presentation on the impromptu style at the beginning of the tournament.


Key Details

When: Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August
Where: Saturday at Westlake Boys’ High School. The break rounds on Sunday will be at the University of Auckland.
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 10 to 13 students.
Team Cap: Schools have guaranteed entry for 3 teams each (an additional 3 teams will be waitlisted and admitted dependent on tournament capacity).
Cost: $60 per team – this covers entry and lunch on Saturday. If the entry cost is a barrier to your school entering teams please let us know on the entry form.
Format: Five preliminary debates on Saturday, breaking 12 to 16 teams to the finals on the Sunday.
Entry Deadline: Tuesday 30 July at 5pm
Registration LinkLink to registration

You can find more information about the tournament on our Impromptu Cup webpage here.

10Jun, 2019

Junior Championships 2019 – Registration Now Open!

Monday 10 June 2019|

Entries are now open for Junior Championships, ASD’s tournament for Year 9 and 10 students. The tournament helps students become more confident in their debating skills, and improves their ability to develop detailed arguments in a short space of time. All debates are limited preparation and will be adjudicated by ASD adjudicators, allowing students to get high quality adjudications and feedback.

This is an excellent tournament for any teams competing in Junior Open, Premier Junior or speakers who are brand new to debating.

Key Details

When: Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July (Term 3, Week 1)
Where: Saturday at St Cuthbert’s College. Sunday’s final will be at the University of Auckland.
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 9 and 10 students.
Team Cap: Schools may enter up to three teams each (additional teams will be waitlisted and admitted dependent on tournament capacity).
Cost: $50 per team – this covers entry and lunch on Saturday. If the entry cost is a barrier to your school entering teams please let us know on the entry form.
Format: Three preliminary debates on Saturday, breaking to quarter finals on the Sunday.
Entry Deadline: Monday 1 July at 5pm
Registration Link: Link to registration

You can find more information about the tournament on our Junior Championships webpage here.

ASD Registrations 2025