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4Jul, 2024

Break Announcement 2024

Thursday 4 July 2024|

Dear Teachers, Coaches, and Adjudicators,

We have now reached the end of the preliminary rounds for 2024. Thank you for your support this year, we hope that you have had an enjoyable season and that your students have been able to develop their logical thinking and public speaking skills.
A massive thank you to all of the teachers, coaches, adjudicators, and host school coordinators who make Auckland Schools Debating possible. Without your voluntary time and effort, this competition would not be possible.
Breaking Teams
This year ASD had 354 teams from 58 schools participate in our competitions and we offer our congratulations to all breaking teams on their exceptional achievements.
The break for each division can be found linked below:

Information on how the break is calculated can be found on our website linked here: http://auckland schools debating.org.nz/index.php/home/competitions/policies/break-determination/
Grade convenors will be in touch with breaking teams with details on their Octo-Final/Quarter Finals.
13Feb, 2024

Welcome to Auckland Schools Debating 2024

Tuesday 13 February 2024|

Welcome to Auckland Schools Debating for 2024. This post concerns the entry process for 2024 as well as other crucial information for the year ahead.

Important Links

Registration Deadlines

Tournament Dates

  • Counties Manukau Regionals – Saturday 24 February
  • Seasonals – Sunday 10 March
  • Auckland Regionals – Saturday 23 March and Sunday 24 March

Changes in 2024

Following feedback and discussions with teachers and coaches during 2023, the committee are proposing the trial of three changes to ASD during 2024

Time Change for Advanced Open, Premier Junior, and Premier Advanced

Debates for Advanced Open, Premier Junior, and Premier Advanced will start 30 minutes earlier (motion announcement at 5:00pm and 6:30pm). This is to allow an earlier end to nights.

Student Adjudication for Senior Open 

Schools may nominate a Year 13 student to become an adjudicator for 1 or 2 Senior Open teams. The student must have completed at least 1 year of debating in Premier Advanced or Advanced Open participating in a minimum of 3 debates, or must have been an active member of the 2023 Development Squad.

Delayed Draw Release for Open Grades

During 2023 the Draws for Junior Open, Senior Open, and Advanced Open were released at least one week in advance. In order to reduce the number of teams who miss out on debating due to the default of their opposition, we propose that:



  • Teams will be allocated a time slot at least one week prior to the debate. For prepared rounds, teams will also be allocated a side.
    • If a team cannot attend a debating round, they can either defer their debate to the catch-up round or default the debate.
    • Teams must notify the committee of their intention to defer the debate by 4pm the weekday before the debate. Teams in these grades can only defer one debate per year.
    • If a team has already previously deferred a debate, or if notification occurs after 4pm the weekday before the debate, the team will default the round.
  • A team must notify the Committee by 12pm on the day of a debate if they must default the debate.
    • The Draw for each round will be generated at 12pm on the day of each debate and published on our tabulation website. However, this can be subject to change up until the start of the debate. This Draw will exclude any teams which have already deferred or defaulted the round.
    • If there is an uneven number of teams available, one team will win the round by default, and be notified that they are not required to attend the debate. If the team is already en route to the debate, the committee can organise for the team to receive feedback on a practice debate case.
  • No change will be made at this stage to the way the draw is generated for Premier grades.

ASD welcomes feedback on these proposed changes to be emailed to us at info@asd.org.nz prior to Friday 16 February.



5Aug, 2023

ASD 2024 – Adjudicator Expression of Interest

Saturday 5 August 2023|

ASD invites those leaving high school at the end of 2023 to express interest in become an ASD adjudicator in 2024.

Complete this form and we’ll get in touch later in the year with more information about what adjudicating for ASD entails and on when our adjudicator training sessions are. Completing this form does not commit you to anything.

All new adjudicators will go through an adjudicator training programme before becoming an ASD accredited adjudicator.

Link to Form

29Jun, 2023

ASD 2023 Break Announcement

Thursday 29 June 2023|

We have now reached the end of the preliminary rounds for 2023. Thank you for your support as we have transitioned back to in-person debating. We hope that you have had an enjoyable season and that your students have been able to develop their logical thinking and public speaking skills.
A massive thank you to all of the teachers, coaches, adjudicators, and host school coordinators who make Auckland Schools Debating possible. Without your voluntary time and effort, this competition would not be possible.
Breaking Teams
This year ASD had 300 teams from 45 schools participate in our competitions and we offer our congratulations to all breaking teams on their exceptional achievements.

The break for each division can be found linked below:

Information on how the break is calculated can be found on our website linked here: http://aucklandschoolsdebating.org.nz/index.php/home/competitions/policies/break-determination/
Grade convenors will be in touch with breaking teams with details on their Octo-Final/Quarter Finals.
Upcoming Dates
We would encourage your schools to enter the following upcoming ASD competitions:
We would also love to see you at the ASD Prizegiving and Premier Advanced final on Wednesday 6 September.
9May, 2023

ASD: Senior Open Round 2 – Cancelled (Tuesday 9 May)

Tuesday 9 May 2023|

Given the heavy weather warnings, and advice from Auckland Transport, we have made the decision to cancel Round 2 of Senior Open tonight.

At present, we are not planning to add an extra round to the competition (meaning SO will just be 4 rounds for 2023). However, we will likely keep the same draw and advised topic of Round 3 so that your teams’ work does not go to waste. Please let us know at info@asd.org.nz if you have any feedback about our proposed plan.

We hope everyone is able to keep safe and dry tonight.

12Mar, 2023

Grade Coaching Sessions & Adjudication Seminars

Sunday 12 March 2023|

Thank you to everyone who attended our Seasonal Championships for 2023 and congratulations to Mount Roskill Grammar who won the Novice division and St Kentigern College who won the Championship division.
Registration Deadlines

A reminder that our Open Grade registration deadline is Thursday 16 March.

Grade Coaching Sessions

Our Grade Coaching sessions are a chance for students to access a free interactive coaching session run by ASD’s adjudicators. These sessions will cover key debating skills relevant to the skill level for each grade. There will be sessions available for students of different abilities, including one for students who are newer to debating, and one for students who are more experienced.
  • Tuesday 14 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – AO Coaching Session via Zoom
  • Monday 20 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – JO Coaching Session via Zoom
  • Tuesday 21 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – SO Coaching Session via Zoom

Zoom Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/97730925504?pwd=MEFydHpaTnRPaW02WnlUUHZDOHJjQT09

Meeting ID: 977 3092 5504
Passcode: 385364

Adjudication Seminars

These seminars are for teachers or students who are planning to adjudicate Junior Open or Senior Open this year. For information on our student adjudicator policy please visit this link.

If you have not attended an Adjudication Seminar in 2021 or 2022, you must attend one of these sessions in 2023 in order to be an approved adjudicator. You can attend any session that suits you, and you only need to attend one session.

  • Monday 13 March (5:00pm – 6:30pm) – Zoom
  • Tuesday 14 March (5:30pm – 7:00pm) – Zoom
  • Monday 20 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Tuesday 21 March (4:30pm – 6:00pm) – Zoom
  • Monday 27 March (5:00pm – 6:30pm) – Zoom

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93608965819?pwd=SFNMWWs1cGRpN0tWQmQwTm5hWjlhdz09

Meeting ID: 936 0896 5819
Passcode: 537863

Regional Tournaments
The New Zealand Schools’ Debating Council’s regional tournaments are fast approaching. Auckland Regionals (1-2 April) and Counties Manukau Regionals (25 March) are the premier tournaments of the schools debating calendar in Auckland. These tournaments are also used to select the Auckland and Counties Manukau regional teams to represent us at the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Championships.
To register, you can use the registratiom link here.
For more information on these tournaments please contact auckland@debating.org.nz or countiesmanukau@debating.org.nz.
First Round Dates
The first round for many grades is fast approaching. Please be sure to have your teams ready for Round 1:
  • Wednesday 15 March – Premier Junior
  • Wednesday 22 March – Premier Advanced
  • Tuesday 28 March – Advanced Open
  • Monday 3 April – Junior Open
  • Tuesday 4 April – Senior Open
7Mar, 2023

All Venues Confirmed

Tuesday 7 March 2023|

We’re pleased to let you know that all of our venues are now confirmed for 2023. Thank you to all of our host schools as it would be impossible to run the competition without them.

  • Junior Open: Rangitoto College (North), Epsom Girls Grammar School (Central), Lynfield College (West), Howick College (East), Tangaroa College (South)
  • Senior Open: Westlake Boys High School (North), ACG Parnell (Central), Sacred Heart College (East), De La Salle College (South), Avondale College (West)
  • Advanced Open: St Cuthbert’s College, Carmel College
  • Premier Junior: Diocesan School for Girls
  • Premier Advanced: Auckland Grammar School

We will be updating the venue pages on our website with updated venue information for 2023 in the coming week.

28Feb, 2023

Interested in becoming an ASD adjudicator in 2023?

Tuesday 28 February 2023|

ASD is looking for adjudicators to judge its Tournaments, Premier and Advanced Open grades. We welcome any university age students or older who are interested in adjudicating to express their interest.

Complete this form and we’ll get in touch with more information about what adjudicating for ASD entails and on when our adjudicator training sessions. Completing this form does not commit you to anything.

All new adjudicators will go through an adjudicator training programme before becoming an ASD accredited adjudicator.

ASD 2023 – Adjudicator Express of Interest

If you are a high school student and are interested in adjudicating Junior Open for your school, please speak to the Teacher in Charge of debating at your school. Our policy on high school student coaches/adjudicators is available on our website linked here.

28Feb, 2023

Update: Seasonals, Venues and Entry Fees

Tuesday 28 February 2023|

Upcoming Key Dates
TIC Confirmation Form
A friendly reminder that our TIC Confirmation Form is due on Thursday 2 March and only takes a few minutes to fill in. Filling this in ensures we have a key contact for ASD entries in 2023.
Due to a lack of venue, we will be hosting Seasonals via Zoom. As per past years, students in teams can debate together (whether that be at school, a student’s home or another location) or they can debate separately from home and do preparation online.
Please make sure to register your teams by Monday 6 March using the following registration link.
Auckland Regionals on Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April will be in-person at Auckland Grammar School.
We have now confirmed venues for most of our grades.
  • Junior Open: Rangitoto College (North), Epsom Girls Grammar School (Central), Lynfield College (West), Howick College (East), Tangaroa College (South)
  • Senior Open: Westlake Boys High School (North), ACG Parnell (Central), Sacred Heart College (East), De La Salle College (South), TBC (West)
  • Advanced Open: St Cuthbert’s College, Carmel College
  • Premier Junior: Diocesan School for Girls
  • Premier Advanced: Auckland Grammar School
We currently have tentative venues for our Senior Open Central/West zones and will announce these once they are confirmed.
Entry Fees
We have now confirmed our entry fees for 2023, and you can find our updated fees on our registration page.
Due to increased pressure regarding the sustainability of our ability to continue operating ASD in its current form, we have been required to make increases to our fees for 2023. While entry fees for all grades have increased, the most significant increase in fees has been for Premier Junior and Premier Advanced. These increases reflect the much higher cost to ASD of operating Premier Junior and Premier Advanced relative to our other grades.
As part of our efforts to ensure the future sustainability of ASD, we are working to improve how we operate and administer the competition. Our goal is to ensure that teams receive draws in a timely fashion and that we are able to promptly reply to emails and queries. As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools that need it. Schools can indicate their fee subsidy requests within their ASD registration forms.
19Feb, 2023

Welcome to ASD for 2023

Sunday 19 February 2023|

Welcome to Auckland Schools Debating for 2023.

Important Links

Registration Deadlines

Tournament Dates

  • Seasonals – Saturday 11 March
  • Counties Manukau Regionals – Saturday 25 March
  • Auckland Regionals – Saturday 1 April and Sunday 2 April

Changes in 2023

Debating In-Person

We are expecting to return to in-person deabting in 2023, dependent on the willingness of our host schools to host ASD in-person this year.

Coaching and Adjudication Seminars via Zoom

In order to make our coaching and adjudication seminars more accessible we will continue running these via Zoom as we did in 2022. You can see dates for these on our website:

Entry Fees

We are currently reviewing our entry fees for 2023.

As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools who need it. We will be reaching out to schools which qualify for these fee subsidies individually. If you believe you will have issues paying but have not been contacted, please get in touch with the committee via email.

Seasonal Championships

The Seasonal Championships (Seasonals) is a one day tournament that gives students the opportunity to debate multiple times early in the year, and immediately implement feedback offered by experienced adjudicators.

We are still working to confirm a venue for Seasonals for 2023. If your school would be interested in hosting, please reach out to at info@asd.org.nz.

When: Saturday 11 March 2023
Where: TBC
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 10-13 students.  We recommend entering your most senior speakers as a first priority.  The tournament will be particularly valuable to those who intend to compete in the Auckland Regional Championships.
Team Cap:  Schools are guaranteed entry to four teams. (Schools may also enter a mix of teams, i.e. 2 in the championship division and 2 in the novice division).
Cost: TBC (fee subsidies are available for low decile schools)
Timetable: Four round robin debates from 8.30am – 6.30pm.
How to enter: Complete the entry form on our website linked here
Deadline for entries: 5pm, Monday 6 March

ASD Registrations 2022