Motions from before 2018
Junior Open
- This House believes that monetary rewards should be offered for information that leads to the solving of crimes
- This House believes that New Zealand should be a state of Australia
- This House would close all Zoos
- This House believes that medical professionals should not be able to strike
- This House would ban gambling
- This House would ban advertising during children’s television programmes
- This House believes there should be compulsory Te Reo in schools
- This House would raise taxes on unhealthy foods
- This House believes that New Zealand should use nuclear power for energy
- This House would make community service part of the school curriculum
- This House would make school uniforms compulsory
- This House believes that New Zealand should become a republic
- This House would ban factory farming
- This House would raise the drinking age
- This House would broadcast all major sporting events on free to air TV
- This House would make school buses free
- This House would ban cosmetic surgery
- This House supports minimum weights for models
- This House would punish school sports teams for the behaviour of their parent spectators
- This House would force parents to vaccinate their children
- This house would make swimming a compulsory part of the school curriculum
- This house believes reality TV has done more harm than good
- This house would allow schools to monitor their students’ social networking site
- This house would ban beauty pageants
- This house believes that school tuck-shops should only stock healthy food
- This house believes that co-ed schools are better than single sex schools
- THB New Zealand should become a republic
- THW ban mobile phones in schools
- THW Ban Rap Music (Advised Topic: Rap Music)
- THW make participation in a team sport compulsory (Advised Topic: Participation in team sports)
- THB co-ed schools are better than single sex schools
- THW allow schools to randomly search students’ lockers
- THW ban advertising during children’s programming
- THW pay people to lose weight
- THW mine our National Parks
- THW ban parents from adopting children of a different ethnicity from their own
- THW “monday-ise” public holidays which fall on a weekend
- THW ban students from having a part-time job whilst at school (Advised topic: Students with part-time jobs)
- THW make school uniforms compulsory
- THW ban cats in New Zealand
- THW abolish the New Zealand armed forces
- THS streaming in high schools
- THW require government schools to teach religious education (Advised Topic: Religious Education)
- THW ban children from participating in reality TV shows
- THW raise taxes on fast food
- THW remove internal assessments in all high school courses and only use external examinations
- THW ban bull rush
- TH regrets the existence of Valentine’s day
- THB the world should go vegetarian
- THW change the NZ flag
- THW make it compulsory for secondary students to have a computer/device/tablet
- THB that students should not have Facebook
- THW ban advertising during children’s television shows
- THB that coed schools are better than single sex schools
- THW increase the driving age to 18
- THW require tourists to get an NZ driving licence before driving in NZ
- THW allow shopkeepers to arm themselves with weapons in self defence
- That the government should not fund Team NZ’s America’s Cup challenge
- That talkback radio should be banned
- That Auckland should be the capital of NZ
- That all places in NZ should only be referred to by their Te Reo name
- That recreational hunting should be banned
Senior Open
- This House believes that New Zealand athletes competing at the Beijing Olympics should sign a gag order
- This House supports military run boot camps for young offenders between ages of 14 and 17
- This House supports cigarettes being displayed for sale
- This House would ban gambling
- This House believes that Governments should provide lunch for all public school students
- This House would make Religious education compulsory in all schools
- This House believes the police force should be armed
- This House would make vaccinations compulsory for school age children
- This House would have compulsory voting in national elections
- This House would pull out of Iraq immediately (Motion set in 2008)
- This house supports xenotransplantation
- This house would remove Government funding of the arts
- This house would pay people to donate blood
- This house supports the crushing of boy racers’ cars
- This house would make learning a foreign language compulsory at secondary school
- This house believes that New Zealand should give more aid to the developing world
- This house would criminalise politicians who lie
- This house would ban social networking sites
- This house would abolish all music copyright laws
- This house would increase the legal driving age for learners’ licenses
- This house would lift sanctions on Fiji
- This house would not eat meat
- This would would prevent paedophiles from living in certain communities
- This house would make religious education compulsory in schools
- This house would impose harsher penalties on schools who poach athletes
- THS a teacher’s right to strike
- THW ban Boxing in the Olympics (Advised Topic: Boxing in the Olympics)
- THW legalise hand guns (Advised Topic: Gun Control)
- THW repeal New Zealand’s nuclear free policy
- THW raise the drinking age to 20
- THW ban gambling
- THB that the benefits of Facebook outweigh the harms
- THW make Te Reo Maori compulsory in schools
- THW prevent doctors from the third world from migrating to the first world
- THW make sex education compulsory
- THW suspend a household’s internet access where a member of that household has been caught illegally downloading
- THW ban animal testing (Advised topic: Animal experimentation)
- THW ban cheerleaders at professional sports events
- THW ban violent video games
- THB schools should be able to punish students for conduct outside school hours
- THW ban car racing as a sport
- THW set a minimum price at which people can buy alcohol
- THW ban the sale of fast food to children under the age of 14 without parental supervision
- THW end all government funding for diseases brought about by substance abuse
- THS the use of torture to extract information
- THW introduce plain packaging for cigarettes
- THW introduce performance based pay for teachers
- THW ban alternative medicines
- THW punish parents of children who are morbidly obese
- THW allocate higher sentences to politicians who break the law
- THB it was wrong for John Key to sign the Sky City deal in which 230 new pokie machines were exchanged for Sky City building an international convention centre
- THW make New Zealand a republic
- THW make New Zealand a republic
- This house believes that MTV should not have broadcast Miley Cyrus’ performance at the VMAs (Motion from 2013)
- THW require minimum academic performance from high school athletes
- THW make voting compulsory
- THW require people rescued to pay for the costs of their search and rescue (Advised: Search and Rescue)
- THW ban the use of photoshop in magazines and advertising
- TH would impose harsher penalties on celebrities for criminal offences
- TH regrets David Cunliffe’s apology for being a man
- That sledging should be banned at international sporting events
- That Mandarin should be a compulsory subject in school
- That the US should stop the use of military drone strikes in all conflict zones
- That Knighthoods in NZ should be abolished
- That parents should encourage their children to be competitive
Advanced Open
- This House believes the UN has failed East Timor
- This House believes that prize money paid to the male and female winners at Wimbledon should be be equal
- This House believes Wikipedia should be blocked at educational institutions
- This House would create a compulsory DNA database for all New Zealanders
- This House would vote Labour over National
- This House would legalise marijuana
- This House would abolish jury trials
- This House would always hold the Olympics in developing nations
- This House believes the media should out gay public figures
- This House would abolish the Maori seats
- This House would ban rap music
- This House would impose criminal penalties against citizens who do not recycle
- This House would allow the state to buy organs
- This House would abandon New Zealand’s nuclear free policy
- This House believes that New Zealand should abandon its armed forces
- This House would establish a limit on foreign players in sporting competitions
- This House would suspend the welfare payments of people who test positive for drugs
- This House would ban mail order brides
- This House would ban all union strike action
- This house would raise GST
- This house would mine New Zealand’s national parks
- This house would force feed people suffering from anorexia
- This house would abolish all government funding of elite sport
- This house would outlaw arranged marriages
- THS the removal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy from the US armed forces (Advised Topic: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell)
- THW bring back Paul Henry
- THW ban the wearing of gang patches in public
- THB students should take a gap year before entering university
- THW pay teachers based on their performance
- THW arm NZ’s police
- THB the government should pay stay at home mothers for their work
- THW legalise Euthanasia
- THW vote National
- THW ban arranged marriages (Advised Topic: Arranged Marriages)
- THB private schools should reserve and fund 10% of their places for students from low socio-economic areas
- THW make organ donation compulsory
- THW only give out jail sentences for violent crimes
- THW ban the sale and advertising of alcohol at sporting events
- THW make it compulsory for schools to hand out condoms to their students
- THS sporting leagues punishing players for off-field behaviour
- THW force all citizens to do two years compulsory military service
- THW compel the Catholic Church to allow women to serve as priests
- THW ban criminals from publishing accounts of their crimes
- THW fund a commercial free public broadcasting channel
- THW raise taxes on alcohol
- THB when doctors discover a patient has a STD, they should reveal that information to the patient’s partner
- THW allow prisoners to serve in the military for reduced sentences
- THB we should rewrite fairy tales with the aim of correcting gender stereotypes
- THW prevent parents raising their children in a singular faith
- THW vote National over Labour in the 2014 election
- THW prevent the media from reporting on mass shootings
- THB it is legitimate for the military to overthrow elected leaders that have lost the support of their people
- This house would select the leaders of political parties through a vote of party members
- THS oil drilling in NZ waters
- THW require doctors to report suspected domestic abuse
- THW impose quotas for women in the Police
- THW allow parents to vote on behalf of their children
- THS the ban of legal highs
- THW teach popular fiction rather than classical literature in schools
- THW not allow convicted criminals to work with children
- THW require Mattel to release an anatomically correct Barbie doll
- THW prevent candidates from seeking political officer if they deny climate change
- THW require radio stations to broadcast a minimum content of local music
- TH believes the state has a right to eavesdrop on its citizens
- That all charter schools should be closed
- That the government should retain state housing in wealthy areas
- That the state should fund cosmetic surgery
- That celebrities should not act as spokespeople for humanitarian causes
- That animal rights activists should use violence and property destruction as protest
tactics - That all non-contact sports should be mixed gender
Premier Junior
- This House would pay teachers based on their performance
- This House believes that celebrities are more effective than governments in saving the environment
- This House supports a work for the dole scheme
- This House would allow the use of torture
- This House believes that employers should be allowed to randomly drug test employees
- This House would make Auckland the capital city
- This House would ban animal testing
- This House believes that parents should be able to choose the sex of their baby
- This House would abolish school zoning
- This House Would abolish parole
- This House would abolish the minimum wage
- This House supports whaling
- This House would legalize euthanasia
- This House would enforce compulsory military service
- This House supports the Auckland Supercity
- This House would ban boxing
- This House believes that National is doing a good job (Motion set 2009)
- This House supports child labour
- This House would treat children as if they were adults under the criminal law
- This House would hold all Olympic Games in the developing world
- This House would ban media organisations from broadcasting the recordings of terrorists
- This house would reinstate the youth wage
- This house believes that doctors should report evidence of domestic abuse to the police
- This house would suspend the welfare payments of problem gamblers
- This house would abolish salary caps in sport
- This house would make blood donation compulsory
- This house would punish parents for the crimes of their children
- This house would enforce ethnic quotas in the police
- THW raise the retirement age
- THW ban all betting on sport
- THW force solo parents on the dole with school aged children to seek paid work
- THW impose a tax on fast food
- THW impose harsher penalties on celebrity criminals
- THW re-introduce the death penalty
- THW make vaccination of children compulsory
- THW ban religious schools
- THB the Rugby World Cup is a waste of money
- THW broadcast equal hours of mens and womens sport on television
- THW give parents a vote on behalf of their children
- THW restrict the number of liquor outlets able to open in low socio-economic areas
- THW prioritise state health care for those with healthy lifestyles
- THW punish parents for their child’s truancy
- THW make fines proportionate to an offenders income
- THW prevent athletes under the age of 18 from competing at the Olympic Games
- THW suspend welfare payments for those who test positive for drugs
- THW always hold the Olympic Games in developing nations
- THW legalise euthanasia
- THW require all parents to attend parenting classes
- THS the use of local content quotas in broadcasting
- THW ban cosmetic surgery
- THW ban alcohol companies from sponsoring sports events
- THW prohibit corporations from targeting specific genders in the marketing and promotion of childrens’ toys
- THW require casinos to pay for the treatment of gambling addicts
- THS parents spying on their kids’ internet use
- THW arm teachers in the United States
- THW criminally charge all people who leak classified information relating to national security or intelligence
- THB the state should provide breakfast at school for every child
- THW prevent parents raising their children in a singular faith
- THW ban the advertising of dieting programmes and products
- THW impose a gender quota in parliament
- This house believes social media sites should not remove posts which may be deemed offensive to specific religions or genders
- THW refuse to allow countries with poor human rights records to host international sporting competitions
- TH believes that the media should never report on celebrity information and photos that have been obtained by illegal means
- That NZ should send troops to assist in the fight against IS
- That people should be required to pass a basic test of political knowledge before they can vote
- That the government should intervene to prevent Campbell live being abolished
- That benefits should be withdrawn from parents who refuse to vaccinate their children
- That non-violent crimes should never result in prison sentences
Premier Advanced
- This House supports Kosovar independence
- This House believes that New Zealand political parties should be funded by the state
- This House would deny entry to immigrants with serious health issues
- This House would legalize euthanasia
- This House would ban weapons sales to third world countries
- This House supports open entry into University
- This House would end Government funding of competitive sports
- This House would punish schools who poach students from other schools
- This House supports Guantanamo Bay
- This House supports the right of the foetus
- This House would offer criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without parole the option of the death penalty
- This House believes that cultural treasures should be returned to their country of origin
- This House believes that parents should have a vote on behalf of their children
- This House supports the privatization of prisons
- This House would grant the state the exclusive rights to make decisions on behalf of the mentally ill
- This House believes that the Bain trial has been a waste of taxpayers’ money
- This House supports the assassination of foreign leaders as a tool of foreign policy
- This House supports surrogacy for profit
- This House believes that sporting bodies should penalise teams when players commit criminal acts off the field
- This House believes that the international community should provide material support to the Iranian opposition
- This House would force New Zealand to accept climate change refugees
- This house would establish a Kurdish state
- This house would ban celebrities from participating in political campaigns
- This house believes that governments should refuse to pay ransom to pirates
- This house would prohibit doctors from emigrating from the developing world to the developed world
- This house would require consumer products to display their carbon footprint
- THS the sale of state assets
- THB that Wiki Leaks has done more harm than good
- THW make the Emergency Contraceptive Pill free
- THS a language test for new migrants
- THW ban wearing the Hijab in public
- THW ban denial of the Holocaust
- THW fire all political leaders involved in sex scandals
- THB adulterers should lose their rights to marital property
- THW ban abortion at all stages of pregnancy
- THW allow prisoners to raise their children from behind bars
- THB that mentally disabled children should be educated in separate schools
- THW militarily intervene in Syria (Advised Topic: Syria)
- THW legalise euthanasia
- THW always hold the Olympic Games in developing nations
- THS incentive payments to beneficiaries whose children perform well at school
- THW ban all private political campaign donations
- THB children should owe financial obligations to their parents when they retire
- THW ban handguns in the United States
- THW make all awards categories at the Oscars gender neutral
- THW prohibit children under the age of 16 from having tattoos, cultural or ornamental piercings, regardless of parental consent
- THW assassinate Kim Jung Un (Advised Topic: North Korea)
- THW legalise all drugs
- THW require all parents under the age of 16 to adopt out their children
- THW ban the media from reporting on terrorist attacks in the immediate aftermath
- THW require internet users to disclose their identity
- THB the state should fund the identity change of prisoners upon their release
- THW ban finance companies from giving high interest loans to individuals who have an income less than $40,000
- THW establish a separate justice system for indigenous communities
- THB the war on terror has failed
- In areas with high teenage pregnancy rates, THW pay teenagers not to get pregnant
- THW decriminalise and encourage graffiti art in public places
- THB Disney should make its next princess a lesbian
- THB Kim Dotcom has been good for New Zealand politics
- That media should not publish cartoons that ridicule religion
- That adverse poverty should be a defence for theft
- That we should regret the portrayal of soldiers as war heroes
- THBT women running for political positions should not emphasize their gender in their campaigns
- That the police should have unlimited access to data collected by private companies
- That companies should impose a cap on salaries for senior employees at 100k
- That commercial surrogacy should be legalised
- THS streaming in high schools
- THW ban alternative medicines
- THW abolish the Maori electorate seats
- THW end government funding of elite sports
- THW assassinate dictators who commit human rights abuses
- THW subsidise plastic surgery for the abnormally ugly
- THB people with higher education should have more votes in general elections
- THB single sex schools are better than co-ed schools
- THW prevent animals from being used in sport and entertainment
- THW compel doctors to report evidence of domestic violence to the police
- THW introduce a youth wage
- THW deduct competition points from sporting teams when their players are found guilty of racism
- THW prevent critical services from striking
Impromptu Cup
- THW ban homeschooling
- THS a quota for Maori and Pacific Island students for entry into Law and Medicine at Univeristy
- THW ban gambling
- THW legalise voluntary euthanasia
- THW arm the police
- THS the use of the death penalty
- THS the use of child labour in developing countries
- THW pay poor people not to have children
- THW ban all faith based schools
- Assuming gay marriage was legalised, THW force ministers to perform gay marriage ceremonies
- THW not support the comeback of musicians who have committed domestic abuse
- THW ban criminals from publishing accounts of their crimes
- THW ban celebrities from participating in political campaigns
- THW tie a politician’s salary to the average national income
- THW make Maori a compulsory language class at high school
- THW ban zoos
- THW boycott the Winter Olympics in Russia to protest Russia’s gay rights abuses
- THW ban schools from poaching students from other schools for sports teams
- TH supports the indefinite detention of individuals in the interest of public safety
- THW provide welfare payments as goods and services rather than money
- THW require all propspective parents to obtain a licence before having children
- THW make it compulsory to vaccinate your child
- THW use financial incentives to encourage men to become teachers
- TH applauds the rise of songs by female pop artists that glorify assertive female sexuality
- THW impose a 100% tax on inheritances
- THW impose a tax on physical attractiveness
- THW abolish the Maori seats
- THW invade Syria
- That students should not use Facebook
- That advertising during kids television shows should be banned
- That a significant excise tax should be placed on all soft drinks
- That parents whose children are grossly obese should be prosecuted for child abuse
- That posing for Playboy is immoral
- That the state should be liable for the injuries and death of homeless people
- That Islamic countries that allow women to drive should openly condemn countries who don’t
- That sober passengers should be made criminally responsible for drunk drivers
- That we should pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child’s performance in school
- That beneficiaries should be prohibited from entering casinos
- That corporations should have a vote in general elections
- That citizen initiated referenda should be binding
- That tertiary education should be free
- That separate schools for intellectually disabled students should be banned
Junior Champs
- THB the America’s Cup has been a waste of time and money
- THW impose a complete ban on alcohol
- THW ban beauty pageants
- THW restrict the number of fast food outlets able to open in lower socio-economic areas
- THW not publish details of celebrity alcohol and drug abuse
- THW ban home schooling