Junior Open – Venues

///Junior Open – Venues
Junior Open – Venues 2025-02-01T10:09:19+00:00

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The Junior Open grade is split into five geographic zones – North (Rangitoto), South (Tangaroa), East (Howick), West (Lynfield) and Central (Epsom Girls).

North – Rangitoto College

Address: 564 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0632

Host School Coordinator: Alex Birchall

Contact Details: Alex.Birchall@rangitoto.school.nz

Parking Directions: The carpark closest to E block is the lower carpark off of Graham Collins Drive where there are plenty of spaces after school. The top car park before the bus bay (main entrance of college), by the Rangitoto Centre, is also available to be parked in after school hours, but has fewer spaces and is further away from E block.

Debates will be held in: E Block and A Block

Meeting Room Directions:

From the lower carpark climb up the stairs and E block is the block directly in front of you at the top of the stairs.

From flag pole at main entrance: Walk past the right hand side of the main building. After you have walked past the library turn left and you will see E block.

Meeting Room: E1 (top floor of E block)

Campus Map: Link to map

South – Tangaroa College

Address: Haumia Way, Otara, Auckland 2023

Host School Coordinator: Imeleta Faumuina

Contact Details: ImeletaF@tangaroa.school.nz, 0272479993

Parking Directions: Main gate on Haumia Way

Debates will be held in: All debates to be held in B Block

Meeting Room: School Library. Signs and students will be around to escort teams to the library Round 1.

Campus Map: click here

East – Howick College

Address: 25 Sandspit Rd, Howick, Auckland 2014

Host School Coordinator: Sharon King

Contact Details: sharon.king@howick.school.nz

Debates will be held in: G block – the English classrooms.

Parking Information: Drive past the admin block, through the parking area. Turn left and follow the road past a shed and garden.  Turn left at the bottom of the drive to park outside G Block or drive straight down the slope and park in the lower level car park.No parking outside the G block before 4:30

Meeting Room: The library

Meeting Room Directions:  G block entrance is the first door on you right. The library entrance inside the G block is  the first door on your right

Campus Map:  click here

West – Lynfield College

Address: 191 White Swan Road, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041

Host School Coordinator: Sherry Wagner or Patrick Jansen

Contact Details: swagner@lynfield.school.nz , 021 533 857

Parking Directions: Park ONLY in the upper carparks at Gate 1 (White Swan Road) When you come into Gate 1, turn left and park in carpark.  If the carpark is full, you may park in the lower carpark (nearer to Gate 2). DO NOT, by any circumstances, park in the upper Gate 2 carpark as you will be told off by our caretaker or locked in for the night! (most likely both).

Debates will be held in: F Block (same as 2023)

Meeting Room: F9 & F10 (upstairs)

Meeting Room Directions: From Gate 1 carpark, (the gates will be open) walk up past the Admin building, then down towards the library. F-block is the building before you get to the Library) Debaters will be outside the F-block entrance to guide you upstairs to F-9 and F-10 for Round 1.

Campus Map: Link to map
Campus Photos: Gate 2 (parking)

Central – Epsom Girls’ Grammar School

Address: Silver Rd, Epsom, Auckland 1023

Host School Coordinator: Andrew Boase

Contact Details: aboase@apps.eggs.school.nz

Parking Directions: Enter the school through the main gate on Silver Road (off Gillies Avenue) and park in the angle parking along Silver Road. Enter through the main entrance.

Debates will be held in: Debates will be held in D Block (the large three-storey brick building directly in front of you as you enter the school)

Direction to Meeting Room from Parking: Park half way down Silver Road and walk towards Marjorie Adams Hall. D Block is the three story block directly in front of you.

Meeting Room: D9 (bottom floor of D block)