Changes in 2025
This page details changes to ASD from previous years.
Entry Fees
- PA, PJ: $363 per team ($315.65 ex gst)
- AO: $275 per team ($239.13 ex gst)
- SO, and JO: $143 per team ($124.35 ex gst)
- Seasonals and the Junior Championship: $110 per team ($95.65 ex gst)
- Impromptu Cup: $99 per team ($86 ex gst)
As in previous years, we will be offering fee subsidies to schools that need it. Schools can indicate their fee subsidy requests within their ASD registration forms.
Other Proposed Changes
The committee are proposing the trial of two changes to ASD during 2025:
Running the Northern Advanced Open grade on a different schedule to the Central Zone
As indicated on the website calendar, we have changed the weeks on which AO runs on the North Shore. AO North will now run on the weeks indicated as “AO North” and not on the weeks just labelled AO. We appreciate this change may be a little confusing as we introduce it so we will send reminders on the appropriate weeks for the impacted schools.
Introducing an Online Zone for Advanced Open
This zone will co-exist with the two current zones (central and north). This means that teams who debate in the online rounds before the break will only debate against other online teams. AO Online will be judged by ASD accredited adjudicators over zoom.
Incorporating ASD as a charitable Trust
Finally, the committee is currently in the process of incorporating Auckland Schools’ Debating as a charitable trust. ASD currently operates as an unincorporated society which is no longer suitable for the organisation’s size and reach. As such we are in the process of incorporating as a charitable trust.
ASD welcomes feedback on these proposed changes to be emailed to us at prior to Friday 14 February.