Online Debating for Term 1

//Online Debating for Term 1

Online Debating for Term 1

Unfortunately due to the ongoing presence of Covid in the community and the Red light settings under the Covid Protection Framework ASD will be operating online via Zoom for at least Term 1 of 2022

This decision has been made for the following reasons:

  • Debating is subject to the 100 person gathering limit under the Red light setting. Many of our grades see more than 100 people attending on any given night
  • The likelihood of a close-contact event disrupting our ability to meet in-person
  • To provide certainty to schools for planning purposes
  • In some cases, some of our normal host schools are unable to host gatherings on Campus due to school policy

We will seek to re-evaluate this policy at the end of term 1 and will run a consultation to decide on whether debating will be in-person or online for term 2. During this consultation, schools will likely be given the opportunity to opt in to online debating.

To read more about how debating via Zoom will work, please refer to our online debating guide linked here.

By | 2022-02-28T17:33:44+00:00 Monday 28 February 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Online Debating for Term 1

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