ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand FInal

//ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand FInal

ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand FInal

We have now reached the end of the ASD Season for 2021.  A massive thank you again to all of the teachers, coaches, adjudicators, and host school coordinators who make Auckland Schools Debating possible. Without your voluntary time and effort, this competition simply would not be possible.
ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand Final
This year Auckland Schools’ Debating is hosting its Annual Prizegiving on Wednesday 29 September via a Facebook live stream. At the prizegiving, we will acknowledge the winning teams of each grade as well as the top 10 speakers in each grade.
Date: Wednesday 29 September
Time: 7:00pm – 8:45pm
This will be preceded by the Premier Advanced Grand Final debate between Auckland Grammar School and Macleans College which features some of the best high school debaters in Auckland.
We encourage all students, family, friends, and teachers who would like to watch the prizegiving. The following link can be shared with those interested and it links directly to the Facebook event where the live stream will take place:
Impromptu Cup
Unfortunately due to Auckland being at Covid Alert Level 3, we are unable to run Impromptu Cup this year and we look forward to running it in 2022. We wish all students the best of luck in their upcoming examinations.
Thank you again for your participation in the ASD Season for 2021. We look forward to seeing you at Prizegiving and again in 2022.
By | 2021-09-27T09:58:08+00:00 Monday 27 September 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ASD Prizegiving and PA Grand FInal

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