Dear Students, Teachers, Parents and the Wider Debating Community,

ASD has been continually reviewing advice and recent developments related to the outbreak of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

We know that the health and wellbeing of our community are of the utmost priority for everyone. As such ASD will be putting the debating season on hold for the remainder of Term 1. This means that all rounds, adjudication seminars and in-school coaching will no longer be taking place this term.

In the coming weeks, ASD will review the potential resumption of debating at the start of Term 2. If the season resumes, we will release an updated calendar and allow schools to make adjustments to their registrations. In the interim, we will still take Open grade registrations from any schools which missed this Wednesday’s deadline.

ASD is also investigating ways in which we can still provide the experience of debating to students and we will be looking to develop our library of online debating resources to support students. We are also exploring a potential online debating league which would allow students to debate from home.

ASD has had a record 360 teams register this year and we thank our community for your continued support of debating in Auckland. We hope you stay safe in these difficult times.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Kind regards,
Zac, Lucy, Chenchen, Liam, Karan, Ben, Harry, Umbar, Celine, Izzy, Grace, Ano, Vino, Libby and Ian

By | 2020-03-27T00:37:28+00:00 Friday 20 March 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ASD STATEMENT ON CORONAVIRUS

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