Northern North Island Impromptu Cup 2019 – Entries Now Open!

//Northern North Island Impromptu Cup 2019 – Entries Now Open!

Northern North Island Impromptu Cup 2019 – Entries Now Open!

Auckland Schools’ Debating is excited to host in 2019 the first ever Northern North Island Impromptu Cup. We are inviting teams from Northland, Auckland, Waikato and the Bay of Plenty, to compete in the exciting impromptu debating style. The format is open to all debaters from years 10 to 13.

Students compete in teams of two and are given five minute preparation time for their debate. Speeches are also five minutes long, with no points of information. Although the format sounds challenging, it is also a lot of fun. There will be a detailed presentation on the impromptu style at the beginning of the tournament.


Key Details

When: Saturday 10 August and Sunday 11 August
Where: Saturday at Westlake Boys’ High School. The break rounds on Sunday will be at the University of Auckland.
Who: The tournament is open to all Year 10 to 13 students.
Team Cap: Schools have guaranteed entry for 3 teams each (an additional 3 teams will be waitlisted and admitted dependent on tournament capacity).
Cost: $60 per team – this covers entry and lunch on Saturday. If the entry cost is a barrier to your school entering teams please let us know on the entry form.
Format: Five preliminary debates on Saturday, breaking 12 to 16 teams to the finals on the Sunday.
Entry Deadline: Tuesday 30 July at 5pm
Registration LinkLink to registration

You can find more information about the tournament on our Impromptu Cup webpage here.

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