Student Coaches/Adjudicators

/Student Coaches/Adjudicators
Student Coaches/Adjudicators 2025-02-04T22:05:31+00:00

Student Coaches/Adjudicators

Students may either be:

  • The designated coach and adjudicator for a team (they will receive all correspondence to do with the coaching of a team and fulfil the adjudication requirement for that team)
  • The designated adjudicator for a team but not the coach (i.e. they will fulfil the adjudicator requirement for that team but the correspondence will be sent to a coach)
  • The designated coach for a team but not the adjudicator (they will receive all correspondence to do with the coaching of a team but a teacher will fulfil the adjudication requirement for that team)

Schools may nominate a student to become a coach and approved coach/adjudicator for 1 or 2 Junior Open and Senior Open teams provided the student satisfies the following criteria:

  • Year 12 or Year 13
  • Either
    • Has completed (in 2022 or earlier) at least 1 year of debating in Premier Advanced, Premier Junior or Advanced Open participating in a minimum of 3 debates
    • Was an active member of the Development Squad in 2023 or 2024.

All nominated student adjudicators will be expected to attend an adjudication seminar.